Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Children and Language

I found it extremely fascinating today that while reading in my "Linguistics for Everyone", the beginning of chapter 2 focuses on how children can aquire a mastery of language skills by the age of five and that is not directly from being taught, it is by being heard. They tend to overgeneralize information when they talk. Saying things like goed, bringed , mouses. Eventually, it will turn into went, bought, or mice. One thing that happened to catch my eye was the misperception of teenagers ruining the english language. At first, I can totally see this happening. One of many reasons I have include the reason being of my generation being the huge texting generation. It is so true though. We sit there and we abbreviate things on our phone and then we happen to shorten things like "u" for "you" and we become very lazy. It is amazing how our generation has so much going for them with the technology, but I would not say that it is true. It can be argued (especially by our parents) , that our generation is totally ruining it, when, in fact, I feel that our generation is improving the knowledge and changing the English language for the better.

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