Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Words and Their Changed Meaning

I found that throughout this class period, it was hard when asked to list some words that have changed over time at first, but then it became a lot easier to me. We started with a word like "goes". One would think in a sentence we can be sure that "She goes to the store" would be acceptable. Now, in conversation, we can be sure that especially when telling a story, we tend to say "Mike goes 'are you kidding me?' ", when, in fact, it can be said as "Mike said.." and so forth. In the "Myths" book, it is  crazy to me that the word "awful" used to mean "inspiring awe", now has a changed meaning to "very bad". When deciding in class if "Pig Latin" would be considered a legitimate language, accoriding to Linguistics for Everyone, it must follow a list with specific requirements. We learned words such as semanticity, arbitrariness, discreteness, displacement, productivity, duality of patterning. These phrases define characteristics if "Pig Latin" would be an acceptable language.

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